...okay there's 21. Close enough:
Explain what ended your last relationship?
His drug problem. Mainly pills and alcohol.
When was the last time you shaved?
My face: yesterday. My chest: several months ago, I was getting my picture taken for something. My friend's back: last week.
What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
Trying to find my cell phone, since the power went out last night (again) and my alarm didn't go off and when I woke up I had no idea what time it was. I found my phone at 8:02.
What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Eating a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich.
Some things you are excited about?
Ugly Betty tonight, my job promotion, the new user-friendly Pronto Condom, how Goddamned delicious that chocolate milk was with the cinnamon syrup!
Seriously, the condoms are so cool.

What is your favorite flavor of JELL-O?
Cherry, with whipped cream.
Your prom night, what do you remember about it?
Sophomore year (I went with a senior): We went to church before the dance so we wouldn't have to wake up early Sunday morning. Yeah, I know. Suddenly "I went with a senior" isn't nearly as cool.
Junior year: I got lucky. With ANOTHER GUY. Long story. We didn't go to church the next morning either.
Senior year: My friends and I choreographed our own disco line dance, which we got the entire room to join in on. Possibly even gayer than the previous year when I shagged a dude.
Do you have any famous ancestors?
My cousin was on the Sally Jessy Raphael show. Topic: women who lost their husbands/boyfriends in terrible tragic ways. My cousin's story: her boyfriend was snowmobiling on a frozen lake and fell through the ice. Dead.
Last thing received in the mail?
Just yesterday I got a DVD copy of The Real World: Denver intro special. I hosted some of it. Very exciting, it's on this weekend. And then in a classic case of perfect timing, I got a call saying I was booked to host the finale too, in January. Which is going to be big fun. It's going to be like a talk show.
How many different beverages have you had today?
Two: water to take my acidophilus pill (that stuff has CHANGED MY LIFE!) and a glass of chocolate milk, with a squirt of cinnamon syrup. Have I mentioned I eat lots of sugar?
Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machine?
What an odd question. Yes of course.
Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
No. But I always collect seashells and mail them to my nieces.
Any plans for Friday night?
This Friday? No. Next Friday: I was going to take a trip that weekend but I postponed it because I am going to NYC for the WYSIWYG blog readers show in December instead. I'm reading some good stuff. Anyway--as for Friday...I don't know what I am doing that weekend at all.
Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
LOVE it. Chunky hair.
Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns?
I'm from the Midwest, we got those things all the time. Love the cheese section.
Do you re-use towels after you shower?
No laundry machine in this building, so...yes.
Describe your keychain(s)?
I lose my keys very very frequently. I've had to get my car key re-made twice in the past three months. So right now, my key chain is one of those black binder clips with the metal handles. It's all I could find. Works pretty well, actually.
Where do you keep your change?
No special place. Whenever I get pennies I don't keep them. No pennies! Life is too short to walk around with a pocket filled with pennies. I throw them on the street, so people get to pick up lucky pennies.
When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
I work as a public speaker, I do New Student Orientation programs at colleges. I talk about gay stuff sometimes too. Last program I did was in September, at some college in Kansas.
Speaking of: anyone in Georgia who knows people at Mercer University?
What kind of winter coat do you own?
At this point I don't know which ones I still have--they're all at my parents' house (why have a coat taking up space in your closet when you live in Miami?) and she has a habit of giving my stuff to Goodwill.
I wasn't too impressed by the condom thing--I mean, isn't tearing one open and putting it on in the heat of the moment (preferably with help) part of the fun?--but then I showed it to my partner, and he said, "oh, that's cool."
Of course, we've been together 11+ years and haven't used condoms in ages, so what does he know? ;)
Posted by: Jess | November 19, 2006 at 07:36 PM
Acidophilus is one of the gazillions of "good bacteria" in your digestive system. It's in yogurt, amongst other things that you eat. Some say it helps digestion, if you take supplements (or eat tons and tons of yogurt). I've had stomach pains for years...YEARS...I took all sorts of medicine. Nothing worked. Then I started popping acidophilus pills, and voila. All better. Was it the pills? Who knows, but I think it was. And they're cheap so why not. Dannon yogurt is now marketing their "own strain" of bifidus, as well, it's in their new fancy yogurt. Bifidus is another friendly bacteria that everyone has in their guts. But I didn't notice anything wildly better when I ate their yogurt. So screw Dannon, they can keep their fancy yogurt!
Posted by: dan | November 19, 2006 at 02:43 PM
I lived in Macon GA a loooong time ago. Mercer is a pretty little campus, but it is a BAPTIST college. BAPTIST. Baptists... the folks who think Gay people are the cause of all Evil in the Universe. Not greed or hate or malice or lies... but gay people. So show 'em how full of shit that antigay crap is, and remind them that Baptist presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmu Carter are the two most pro-gay presidents we've ever had.
Posted by: Hephaestion | November 19, 2006 at 12:27 PM
OMG PEANUT BUTTER AND NUTELLA??? I thought I was the only one. Although, half of my friends have never heard of nutella. Im totally obsessed with that stuff. I re-discovered it this summer. Peanut butter and nutella is heaven.
Posted by: Jon | November 18, 2006 at 06:38 PM
I clicked for a demonstration and my 3 year old son said "Mommy, I want that". Oh man, I am in trouble.
Posted by: Beth | November 18, 2006 at 07:11 AM
I'm wondering how sharp the edges of that condom packaging are. (I'm assuming it's made of some kind of metal?) It seems like if you weren't careful you could slice a hole in the condom with it. (Just my initial reaction.) Still a cool concept, though.
Posted by: Amity | November 17, 2006 at 07:15 AM
Hey Dan - I know people at Mercer too if you need anything.
Posted by: Chad | November 17, 2006 at 12:36 AM
In what way did acidophilus change your life? Do I need some?
Posted by: Scarlett | November 16, 2006 at 10:21 PM
Explain what ended your last relationship?
I've never had a relationship before but the one that could have been something ended because he was a bad kisser.
When was the last time you shaved?
Tuesday night when I saw Anderson Cooper
What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.?
Sleeping...I went to bed at 4 AM. Didn't wake up til 11:30...I slept through my Anthropology class.
What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Went to 7/11 across the street to buy a Diet Lipton Green Tea...delicious.
Some things you are excited about?
Tomorrow is Friday, thank god! I'm getting my hair cut and styled next Wednesday.
What is your favorite flavor of JELL-O?
Your prom night, what do you remember about it?
Sophomore year: I won the prince of prom.
Junior year: My date and I created this dance routine on the dance floor and we had a circle around us. So much fun.
Senior year: Went with my friend...not much fun. Ended up getting drunk on the way to After Prom and freezing my ass off in a hot tub.
Do you have any famous ancestors?
My great great great great uncle or something was Chester Ashley...an Arkansas State Senator in the 1800's...we have a county named after our family in Arkansas.
Last thing received in the mail?
My service registration stuff...if I'm ever drafted, I'm totally pulling the gay card. Fuck that shit, I'm not fighting any war.
How many different beverages have you had today?
Water, Tab, and Diet Lipton Green Tear
Do you ever leave messages on people’s answering machine?
I leave life stories on people's answering machine...I've been known to call several times after the time has run out just to finish my story.
Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
No, because when I go to the beach, I'm always in the gym working out hoping that there is a god and that he will give me a fucking perfect body.
Any plans for Friday night?
I don't have any plans yet...I hope to go out and have a good time...fixing to be done with my first semester of college and I know that once second semester hits, if you don't rush a frat, you will not have a social life. Lame...but true. So I gotta milk the free alcohol for all it's worth until it isn't around any longer.
Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
Not particularly...my hair is either really oily or really dry...depends on the day. Ocean water just makes it smell funny. I have enough to worry about my hair--i don't want to make it smell funny.
Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns?
The Bible belt lives off that shit. Yes.
Do you re-use towels after you shower?
To cut back on spending money for laundry, yes. But when I'm home, nope.
Describe your keychain(s)?
It's a caribeaner from my college...only one key on it. My high school key chain had my boarding school memorbilia attached to it. It's the only real school spirit I have.
Where do you keep your change?
In a cup in my room...I use that change to buy Tab at 7/11 everyday. I love me some Tab.
When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
In 7th grade, I went to the elementary schools to talk to fifth graders about what middle school was like...I didn't say a word until the very end when I told them that it was really easy to steal a slice of pizza from the school store--you just have to get on Student council and say that the advisor said you could have a slice.
Speaking of: how to steal pizza
What kind of winter coat do you own?
I don't currently have a winter coat because I lived in California for the past 4 years... Now I'm in Texas and I need one...so I plan to buy one over Thanksgiving break.
Posted by: Weston | November 16, 2006 at 06:37 PM
I know someone at Mercer right now...what for?
Posted by: Nate | November 16, 2006 at 05:55 PM
Fabulous condom demo.
If you like to eat sugar it's good that you take the acidophilus...
Posted by: blackbird | November 16, 2006 at 10:04 AM
Heya David -- the date is on the site's "shows" page, and it will be on the front page of the site in a couple of days. It's going to be on Wednesday, December 20. I'm so psyched that Dan's coming to town to do this!
Posted by: Chris | November 16, 2006 at 09:51 AM
I am so totally going to see you at the WYSIWYG in December! How cool. The date isn't on the site so you need to tell us when it is.
And love love love those condoms. Genius.
Posted by: David | November 16, 2006 at 08:47 AM
peanut butter & nutella is also good on an apple. which is healthy, too!
Posted by: Genevieve | November 16, 2006 at 07:55 AM